It's a Wonder They Haven't Killed Each Other Yet...
" Speech "
Shadowmon- "Hello, everyone! I finally got a muse!"
Flare- "Shut up."
Shadowmon- "Huh?"
Flare- "Go away."
Shadowmon- "Umm... this is my fanfiction..."
Flare- "I don't have to listen to you."
Shadowmon- "...okay... you're way too angsty..." (Snaps fingers)
Flare- (Screams as he is deleted)
Shadowmon- (Sighs) "I guess I'll have to say this again: I don't own digimon. New characters, digimon, and digivolutions (and muses, if I ever think up a good one), I do. Please, someone, R&R. Show me that you like this fanfiction. Or, if you don't like it, tell me what I'm doing wrong! Anything! Please! Also, from now on, I'll just update when I feel like it."
*_*_*matsuki bakery*_*_*
"Takato! Takato! Wake up!"
Takato groaned, rolled over, and went back to sleep.
"Takato! If you don't get down here right now, you're going to be late for school!"
"*Why is it when I just started getting comfortable with summer break, that school has to start again?* Takato wondered.
"Do you really want to go through this again?"
Takato sighed. *Actually, going through it again would be okay as long as I got to see Guilmon again...*
"Takato! Get up! NOW!"
Takato sighed again, but rolled out of bed and hurried downstairs.
*_*_*after school*_*_*
Takato walked aimlessly around the city, wishing he had Guilmon back. He walked along a familiar path in the park, not noticing where he was going. He only saw where he was when he tripped on a stone step and fell. He shook his head, and looked around. To his surprise, he saw Guilmon's old shed. He smiled. *I wonder if anyone's filled in that hole Guilmon made...* He shrugged, and began climbing the steps. *Can't hurt to look...* He reached the stone hut, and looked inside. He saw that, not only was the hole still there, but a light was also emanating from it. *Could it be...* He hurried inside, saw the familiar warm light of the digital world, and immediately ran to go get the others.
*_*_*several hours later*_*_*
"You better not be pulling our leg, goggle-head," said Rika, "Or else..."
Henry cut her off. "I'm sure Takato's telling the truth. Why wouldn't he?"
"Maybe chumley's finally lost it." Kazu suggested.
Henry sighed. "You're not helping, Kazu..."
"Has anyone considered what we'll do if he is telling the truth?" Ryo asked.
"We'll go in and find our digimon, what else would we do?" asked Henry.
"What about school?" asked Ryo.
"What about school?" Kazu replied. "Any excuse to get away from that place is fine by me."
Takato cut in. "Umm... guys..."
"Kazu, if your grades are any indication, you should be spending more time at school, not less!" Henry replied.
"What's wrong with my grades?" Kazu asked indignantly.
"Can we just stop arguing?" Jeri asked.
"Kazu, today was the first day of school, and you already have three F's and a detention!" Henry shouted.
Takato sighed. "Hey, guys..."
Henry and Kazu continued arguing until Rika shouted that if they didn't shut up she would kill both of them.
"Thank you." said Takato. "We just walked past it."
"Past what?" Kazu asked.
"Where the portal is!" Rika shouted. "You're dense even for a guy!"
Takato sighed. "Can we please just..."
Ryo cut him off. "Are you saying that all guys are dense?"
"Do you have cards in your ears or are too stupid to understand what I just said?" Rika shot back.
Ryo was about to retort, when Kenta asked "How long do you think the portal will be open for?"
Everyone froze, then made a mad dash back to the small building.
*_*_*digital world, outer level*_*_*
After an all-too-familiar entrance into the digital world, everyone was happily reunited with their partner digimon. Except for Jeri. She sighed as she watched the others cheerfully talked with their digimon, and her face fell. Just then, a digi-egg appeared before her, and she gasped. She clutched the digi-egg to her chest and whispered "Leo... mon...?" The egg glowed slightly, and she hugged the egg tighter, tears falling form her eyes.
Once everyone had settled down, Takato asked "Well, now that we're here, what do we do?"
"There has to be reason we were allowed to come here." Ryo said. "Digimon don't just come flying through portals every day anymore."
"There have been rumors that someone has been trying to revive the D-reaper." Cyberdramon said. "They must be true if you're here."
"I'm afraid," boomed a voice from a nearby digital stream, "that you are correct. Now then, if you would be so kind as to enter this digital stream, you can save many hours of travel."
"Not like we have a choice..." Terriermon muttered as the digital stream engulfed them.
Who is this strange voice? Where are the digidestined being taken? What happened to the digidestined from the last two chapters? Find out on the next episode!