Chapter 2

Hi! Um… I know the last chapter had NO action, so I apologize. Now this chapter… Well, it won’t have action either. I mean no fighting scenes. Those come later. Sorry if that disappoints you… These first few chapters are more or less so you can get to know the characters.

Oh yes… Disclaimer. *makes face* Digimon: Digital Monsters does not belong to me. The characters and plot however, do. They are not yours for the taking. They belong to me, and they always will (unless someone who works for Toei Animation happens to read it and wants to buy it!). So hands off! ^-^

Akira flopped down on the couch after dinner that night. Why did his Mom insist on making the same thing every night all week, every other week? And she thought he was insane…

Well at least I know where I get it… He thought. He had finished his homework, and now was wondering what he could do. Why is everything always so boring after dinner? There’s never anything to do. He was practically alone in the house. His parents had gone to a movie, leaving him to watch his younger siblings.

“Aki! Turn your radio down! I’m trying to watch TV!” He shouted. He heard the music get louder.

He jumped up from the couch and stormed into her room.

Aki was on her computer, bopping along to the music. She wasn’t to bad on the computer. For a ten year old

anyway. Akira hit stop on the CD player.

“Hey!” shouted Aki. She looked over her shoulder at him. “What did you do that for?”

He glared at her. “I told you to turn it down! And the you turned it up!” he shouted. His sister stared at him.

“I didn’t turn it up.” she said.

“Yeah. Right.”

Just then his little brother poked his head into the room.

“What aw you sowting about?” He asked. Etsuya was three years old, and was a bit of a pain to watch. Akira had gotten him all set up with some paint so he’d behave better.

“Nothing. Go back to your painting.”

“O-tay.” and off he waddled.

Akira glared at Aki for a few more seconds, then stormed out of the room. He heard the music turn on again, quieter this time, and walked into the kitchen, where Etsuya was painting. He stopped dead. Etsuya was painting alright. But not the paper.


He forgot about the paint on the wall, when he saw what Etsuya was looking at. Something weird was going on at the computer desk.

Kenji and Ryushi were sitting at the computer in the room Katsumi and Kenji shared.

“I think it’s this one.” said Kenji as she pulled a disk out of it’s case. “Oh never mind. It’s just her diary.”

“Boring! All she talks about is computer stuff!” said Ryushi. “Keep looking.”

“Found it!” shouted Kenji a few minutes later. She stuck the disk into the computer tower.

“You’re sure she won’t get home?” asked Ryushi.

“Positive. She told Mom and Dad she was going to a slumber party. And they bought it! I know where she really goes though. The old tree house in the park. She’s got a sleeping bag there and everything! And I saw her making a couple sandwiches.”

“Ok. Good. We don’t want her to catch us again do we.”

Kenji clicked the start button to activate the game.

“Your sister made this?!” asked Ryushi, impressed.

“Yep. And she’s always rubbing it in, that she’s so much better at computers than I am. Which is why I don’t feel bad sneaking into her stuff.”

Ryushi laughed. “So… What’s the point of this game?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll check her notes.” Kenji dug through the pile of papers on the computer desk.

“Got it!” she said. “Ok. It says here ‘Create a digimon’ blah blah blah… ‘save digital world with digimon you designed…’ yada yada… ‘Spirit evolution or partner’ That’s about it.”

“Shall we?” asked Ryushi, with an impish grin.

“Most defiantly.”

And that’s, when they decided their destiny.

Oniji was sitting at the computer with an icepack held up to his eye. His cat, Kuro, was curled up on his lap. Kuro was a Japanese Bobtail. His solid black coat was the exact color of Oniji’s T-shirt. Oniji was checking out digimon web-sites. He had just finished updating his own site, when the computer started to glow.