Kari11 ch 5

Disclaimer: I only own the Digimon that I made, the plot, and the humans. Steal them, and 
I’ll set Nekomon on your tail!!!!! Find out who she is later! 

 Digimon: Darkness returns

Chapter Five 

Everyone sat in Sakura’s room. Hiromi, who had just regained consciousness, 
held an icepack to his head. Akai studied the room, trying to ignore Sydney’s heated glares 
that she was sending him. She had taken a disliking to him immediately. No one, including 
Sydney herself, really knew why. Jonni and Yuki fiddled with their digivices, Digimon in their 
laps. Hana, Kaji, and Sakura were patching up the other Digimon. The room was silent. Not even 
Kaji or Hana made a sound. Finally Hiromi asked, "So what exactly happened after I got knocked 

"We got wiped out, but Sydney came and saved us," Yuki frowned as she said the 'saved us' 
part. She didn’t quite appreciate the way Sydney was acting. It was starting to get on her 

Sakura wrapped a bandage around Wormmon’s middle. "You didn’t get to tell us, Akai, 
why was that Unimon chasing you?"

Akai, glad to have something to do other than try to ignore Sydney, explained, "Well, 
this afternoon I found DemiVeemon, so I thought it would be cool to take him to the park. 
We were having so much fun, we lost track of time, then all of a sudden, that Digimon came 
and attacked us. You know the rest. How did you find us?"

"Easy," Yuki snickered, "We followed the girly screaming. But if I remember correctly, 
the guy with the Digimon seemed to know you, Sydney. Care to explain?"

Sydney rolled her eyes. "That’s my business, Takeuchi."

"I’m conscious for five minutes and you can’t get along? Chill out," said Hiromi, 
rubbing his head and wincing.

"Yeah," Hana put her hands on her hips, "Can’t you get along for a minute?"

"I’m not the one with an attitude problem," growled Yuki, "Besides, she started it."

"Both of you, start acting your age. Although knowing my sister, I doubt that’s possible," 
Jonni coughed as Yuki elbowed him in the side.

Yuki was about to defend herself when they heard cackling. In the window was DemiDevimon. 
"Not you again," Akai groaned.

"Yes me again, cupcake, and I heard what you people did to Unimon. Don’t think you’ll get 
away with this," the small Digimon sneered.

"You know this freak?" Sakura asked dryly.

"Unfortunately," muttered Akai.

"Hey, who are you calling a freak, you, you, you freak!" DemiDevimon puffed himself up, 
trying and failing to look intimidating.

You know," Pandiamon piped up, "This guy is bugging me. I think, even now, I could take him 
easily. Can I, Sakura, can I?"

Sakura grinned. "Be my guest." 

"Yeah," Kaji stepped forward bravely, "Zerimon and I will fight, too."

"I don’t think so," his older sister grabbed him by the back of his shirt. "You are too young, 
and your Digimon isn’t strong enough yet. No way am I letting you go."

Pandiamon crouched like she was going to pounce, and growled. "I bet he tastes just like 

DemiDevimon tried to not look scared. "You don’t frighten me. I’m much stronger than you."

"Wanna bet?" Pandiamon asked. "’Cause I’ve got my own power and their power behind me." 

Aguamon nodded and slid behind her. "She’s got my help."

"And mine," DemiVeemon added in.

Hawkmon, Zerimon, Sakimon, Perromon, and Wormmon got behind her too. "Do you really want to 
fight eight of us?"

DemiDevimon looked frantically from one Digimon to the other. "I’ll get you!" he screamed 
and flew off.

"Loser," said Kaji. 

Even though she agreed, Sakura said, "Hey, that’s enough." She turned to Sydney. "Please 
tell us. I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t. So fess up."

Sydney sighed and scratched her head. "We used to work together. I never did like him."

Yuki barely held in a retort about how she doubted Sydney liked anyone. 

"You work for my father, don’t you?" asked Hiromi.

Sydney smiled hollowly. "Used to. I quit."

Hiromi frowned. "But the agents never quit."

"They do now," Sydney answered coolly.

"Why?" Aguamon asked in her low, wispy voice, from where she had coiled up.

"They’re monsters, that’s why!" Sydney snapped. "I’m getting a drink." She stalked off.

"What was that all about?" Akai asked.

Hawkmon sighed. "The people who trained her weren’t only cruel to Digimon. They stole 
her dreams."

"Well, that’s a little dramatic, isn’t it?" Sakura asked.

"No," Hawkmon shook his head. "They literally stole her dreams. They implanted a Dark Chip 
inside her, and it drained her dreams out."

They stared in silence. The only one who didn’t seem surprised was Hiromi. He seemed to be 
grimly expecting it. Hawkmon quietly continued, "Ragnarok takes in children and suck their 
dreams out, in order to make them their slaves. Sydney had a loving family, but somehow 
Ragnarok got a hold of her and drained all the love, hope, and happiness out of her, leaving 
only a core. She trained me rigorously, until one day we were out at the park and she saw 
children playing. She hadn’t seen children play in five years. She was entranced. Seeing 
them brought back some happy memories of her family. She tried to go back to work and forget 
them, but she couldn’t. Nearly every day we’d go back to that park. Finally one day, one of 
her superiors used his whip on me. She snapped. She yelled and beat him. The agents had never 
seen her burst out with that much emotion. They put her in solitary confinement. That night 
she found a device in her cell. It was a digivice. We broke out and haven’t looked back since." 

"Wow," Sakura murmured.

"That’s horrible," exclaimed Hana.

"How could they do that?" wondered Kaji.

Yuki felt ashamed. She was still annoyed with the girl, but now the anger was mixed with pity. 
It left an unsettling feeling in her stomach. "I had no idea."

"I figured as much," Hiromi said sadly. "I’ve seen a few of those kids, and you’re right Hana, 
it’s horrible."

Sydney walked in and sat down. "What?" she asked, seeing everyone’s _expression. 



Dr. Yokoyama typed madly away at a computer. A screen popped up, and a surface appeared next 
to the computer. It was glowing and blue with several rectangular lines that formed boxes. 
Yokoyama pulled a card from a pack he wore around his waist and laid it on the surface face 
down. A light appeared and scanned the card. When it was done, he flipped it over.

It was a Digimon trading card. It read, "Nefamon". On the computer screen a 3D model of 
it formed. It was a dark maroon, with a horn on its head and a scorpion like body. It had 
its large, tattered wings folded and had metal plates on its torso. It had six long, black legs, 
three on each side.

Yokoyama typed hurriedly, and next to Nefamon, other Digimon formed. The first was a Meramon. 
Nefamon opened its mouth wide. Meramon broke into a million pieces and the pieces were absorbed 
into Nefamon. Next was a Monochromon, and the process was repeated. Then it did the same to 
stronger Digimon. This was the fate of several. Finally the last Digimon showed up. The first 
was Diarboromon. Yokoyama couldn’t believe this was finally happening. They had saved that 
data for awhile now. Diaboromon shattered and was absorbed. After that came Myotismon. 
Or rather, his three forms. First came Myotismon, then VenomMyotismon, and finally 
MaloMyotismon. They were all absorbed by Nefamon. 

Yokoyama laughed. For all these years, they had been waiting, and finally-finally!-they had 
Nefamon was the strongest Digimon in existence.