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Digimon Tamers Episode Guide

1. Guilmon Comes Alive

Takato Matsuki, a digimon fan, finds a mysterious blue card and slashes it through his card reader. Making lots of sparks. The card reader then turns into a red and silver digivice, called a D-Power. Takato creates his own digimon partner and names him Guilmon(a raptor-like digimon). When Takato tries to slash the drawing it gets stuck, then the D-Power read the data off the drawing and a digi egg appeared on the D-Power screen. Later while Takato is asleep, he has a dream where he sees Rika and Renamon(a big yellow fox) fighting Lynxmon, who is killed by Renamon's diamond storm. In the morning Takato finds that the egg in his D-Power hatched. He follows the compass like device on his D-Power screen to Guilmon, who Takato thinks is going to attack him.

2. Digimon, Digimon Everywhere

Takato braces himself for Guilmon's flame but instead Guilmon comes up and says hi, relieved that Guilmon is friendly, Takato takes him home. Knowing Guilmon can't stay in his room, he tries to find a safe place for him, he decides a cardboard box is good enough because he tells Guilmon to stay in the box. But Guilmon, missing his human partner, decides to go to school to find him, with the box of course. Guilmon runs into the principle that rings the fire alarm after seeing the huge red dinosaur. Guilmon's little appearance draws the attention of a dark haired martial arts expert named Henry and his floppy eared big mouth partner Terriermon. Later when Takato is trying to find a place to hide Guilmon, Rika and Renamon attack.

3. To Fight or not to Fight

Strangely, Renamon's diamond storm, which to that point had been always deadly, was bouncing off Guilmon’s red skin. But the fight quickly leans in Renamon's favor as Rika card slashes n armor modify card. When Renamon is about to make her final attack Terriermon and Henry interfere. Giving in temporarily, Rika and Renamon disappear, leaving Takato and Henry with their partners. Because of Guilmon's appearance at school, Takato has to work even harder to hide him. When Guilmon and Takato run into Rika and Renamon who want a rematch, Henry and Terriermon interfere, only with Terriermon getting caught in the crossfire. Terriermon breaks his promise to Henry that he won't digivolve by digivolving into his Champion form Gargomon, an oversized rabbit with guns as hands. Gargomon can't handle the sudden amount of power and starts blowing up everything in the parking lot. When Rika yells at him he turns on her. Guilmon comes to her aid by head butting Gargomon into the wall.

4. It Came From the Other Side

Gargomon doesn't de-digivolve right away and that worries Henry, when he finally does Henry thinks about the 1st time Terriermon digivolved. Henry got Terriermon from a digital monsters computer game, when Terriermon was to weak to fight the champion level Gorillamon Henry slashed a series of cards that eventually made Terriermon digivolve. At 1st Henry was happy because Gargomon could defend himself, but when Gorillamon retreated Gargomon wouldn't stop attacking, making Henry worried that Terriermon had turned into a monster. Later when a digital field appears, it starts to chase Henry and Terriermon. When there was nowhere else to run the digital field released Terriermon's old enemy, Gorillamon, who returned for a rematch. When Takato and Guilmon show up Gorillamon takes them down too. Terriermon is quick to defend his dino friend and attacks Gorillamon from above. When Terriermon kills Gorillamon, Henry starts to wonder if fighting is okay sometimes or not.

5. Dream a Little Dream

Strange patterns made of chalk begin to appear on the school soccer field, making school security go up. The patterns are drawn by a cute in-training, fun loving digimon named Calumon, who, a few days ago crossed over from the digital world into the real world. Takato and Guilmon find him and along with Henry and Terriermon try to find him a tamer. When Guilmon and Calumon are playing with the chalk a digital field materializes suddenly, releasing a tiny virus type champion named Evilmon who attacks them. Rika and Renamon surprisingly come to their aid, only making Henry angry when they kill Evilmon. Then as Rika and Renamon are leaving they find Calumon blocking their way.

6. O Partner, Where Art Thou?

When Rumiko (Rika's mom) walks out again when Rika needs her, Rika gets mad again. She thinks back to the day of the digimon tournament. Rika felt that it was too easy, and when she was given the title "Digimon Queen" she walked out after getting the medal, not caring about what the other digimon fans thought of her. That same day Rika was approached by many digimon wanting her to be there tamer. Rika yells at them that she just wants one strong digimon and Renamon appears to her. When Rika and Renamon fight the Armor level Allomon, they quickly realize (well Renamon at least) that they’re in over their heads. Renamon is in trouble but Rika doesn't seem to care, Terriermon and Guilmon come to her aid. Angry, Renamon tells them to leave, and Renamon delivers one final powerful blow that kills Allowmon. Rika walks past Takato and Henry with only one thing to say don't ever try that again little boys, Renamon and I work alone.” While Renamon is off she runs into a purple rookie digimon named Impmon, who doesn't believe humans and digimon should never be equals and that digimon should be people's masters. A digital field appears and Renamon leaves without Rika, who gets the signal of a new digimon coming through. When Rika arrives she finds Renamon tied up in giant spider web. Rika uses a modify card and helps Renamon escape the web. Rika is caught off guard and is attacked by the champion level spider digimon Dokugamon. Renamon jumps into the way, taking the full force of Dokugamon's strongest attack. Rika is shocked that Renamon would do that. As Renamon falls to the ground, she tells Rika to run. Rika won't leave, for the 1st time Rika cries, Renamon's eyes close, fearing that her partner is dead she screams her name, the blue and silver D-Power on Rika's belt starts to glow and Renamonm digivolves into Kyubimon, a champion level fox type with nine tails and bluish white flames coming off of each tail. Kyubimon easily kills Dokugamon.

7. Now You See It, Now You Don't

When walking with Takato, Guilmon started disappearing, scaring Takato. Takato went to Henry who told him digimon don't last forever, upsetting Takato. Takato has only one person left to try to get help from... Rika. Rika started getting angry because she thought Takato was stalking her, but he explained. After talking with Rika at her house after she calmed down Takato feels a little better and he and Guilmon leave. But as they walk home Guilmon starts disappearing again, this time all the way. Takato goes to Henry and Rika for help. They find Guilmon tied up in an energy field about to get deleted by Yamaki. With a little help from Rika and Henry, Takato gets to Guilmon on time and saves him.

8. A Question of Trust

Impmon is terrorizing couples in the park and Takato thinks it might be Guilmon. Takato makes Guilmon promise to stay inside and then leaves. While walking home Takato is stopped by a cop. Ms. Asashi comes and tells the cop she was walking Takato home and that he went ahead of her. Impmon tries to lure Guilmon out, which works. After scaring a few couples Guilmon runs off. Takato runs back to the shed to make sure Guilmon's ok and finds the shed empty. Guilmon comes up behind him and tells Takato about the couple he scared. It makes Takato mad and he yells at Guilmon and runs off, leaving Guilmon confused. Later Impmon accidentally releases Dramon, a giant black champion, which goes after Guilmon. Takato shows up just in time and slashes modify card after modify card, Henry and Rika watch as Takato slashes cards, obviously not knowing what he's doing. Terriermon tells Takato that Impmon was the one scaring the couples and that he tricked Guilmon into it. When Dramon has Guilmon by the throat and is ready for the kill Takato's D-Power goes off Guilmon digivolves into Growlmon and kills Dramon.

9. Not As Seen on TV

Takato has a problem, Growlmon won't de-digivolve. They try everything to get him to go back to Growlmon but nothing works. Henry and Terriermon help Takato hide him by painting Growlmon with paint to help him blend in with the trees. Rika and Renamon show up and attack. Rika tells takato that he's failing his digimon, which hurts Takato. It starts to rain and the paint washes off. A rainbow appears in the sky and helps Growlmon de-digivolve by taking some of the extra data.

10. The Icemon Cometh

If you think Rika couldn't get any worse you're wrong. Rika is getting followed by a cold mist and Renamon comes to help her, but doesn't see or feel the cold digital field. Rika gets angry that Renamon looks at her like she's crazy and even angrier when Renamon tells her she'll not to worry because she'll protect her. Rika yells at Renamon and tells her that she doesn't need Renamon, as a partner or as a friend. IceDevimon, a champion fallen angel digimon, takes Rika into the icy digital field. IceDevimon wants Rika to be his partner and shows her all the digimon he'd killed for her, some even partners. Takato, Henry, and their digimon show up but IceDevimon freezes them. Things look bad until Rika admits that Renamon is her one and only partner and best friend. Renamon then shows up and attacks. With a little help from Rika Renamon digivolves into Kyubimon but still isn't strong enough. Takato finally knows what he's doing and card slashes power and hyper wing, creating a combo strong enough for Guilmon to kill IceDevimon. Rika says she hates all digimon and she and Kyubimon go their separate ways. Leaving Takato and the others confused.

11. Much Ado About Musyamon

12. Divided They Stand

13. Juggernaut

14. Grow Mon Grow

15. Snakes, Trains, and Digimon

16. Back to Nature, Back to Battle

17. Duel with a Deva

18. Digital Beauty

19. Impmon's Last Stand

20. Out of the Blue

21. Jeri's Quest

22. The Boar Wars

23. A World Apart

24. The Journey Begins

25. Brave New Digital World

26. Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure

27. Motorcycle Madness

28. Blame it on Ryo

29. Goliath

30. An Imperfect Storm

31. Kazu's Upgrade

32. Shibumi Speaks

33. Rabbit Transit

34. Lionheart

35. Give a Little Bit

36. The Battle Within

37. No Mon is an Island

38. Azulongmon Explains it All

39. Song of Sakuyamon

40. Janyu's Ark

41. Homeward Bound

42. Reunion

43. Beelzemon's Big Day

44. The Messenger

45. The D-Reaper's Disguise

46. When is a Mon Justimon?

47. His Kingdom for a Horse

48. Shadow of the Beast King

49. D-Reaper's Feast

50. Jeri Fights Back

51. Such Sweet Sorrow


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