Kari started off her digimon adventure with the
original Digivice which you see to the right. However, it wasn't actually pink, it was a greyish blue or white.
Kari's crest is the crest of light. The crest of light is most likely the reason
she has strange powers, or might have been what activated them. The crest not only helps Gatomon digivolve to Angewomon but also boosts the energy of the other digimon partners.
The strength of the energy depends on Kari's emotions.
In Adventure Zero Two, the 2nd series (or as I see it a sequal to Adventure 1) Kari
gets her digivice upgraded, the new digivice is called a D-3. Her D-3 is pink and white and gives Gatomon the ability to armor digivolve.
Original digivice & D-3 images from the Happy Galgomon Gif Factory. The crest of light was made by me, please don't use it.